2024 Georgia Tech Giving Day

33% of the Georgia Tech experience is funded by donors like you. That's a third of graduates from each school, a third of the campus footprint, a third of the time students spend in the classroom, and a third of the impact on the world. Last year, Georgia Tech conferred 11,995 esteemed Georgia Tech degrees. Without you, it might only have been 8,037. Give to finish the semester, to expand access through scholarships, to create world leaders.
This year, be part of a newly reimagined Georgia Tech Giving Day. Make your gift to Roll Call and expand your impact with additional gifts – whether to Athletics, the colleges, or one of our additional participating groups. Find what matters most to you and help ensure our continued success for years to come, taking pride in knowing it’s funded by you.

The results are in...
Mar 14, 2024

Georgia Tech Giving Day is in the books, and it was an overwhelming success! The Tech community came together to raise almost $850,000 for current and future Yellow Jackets.  


From Roll Call, Athletics, and the Library to the colleges and Student Engagement and Well-Being, you made a difference. You’ve helped ensure Georgia Tech’s continued success for years to come, and you can take pride in knowing it’s funded by you. 


Thank you for being part of the biggest Georgia Tech Giving Day yet! 

Georgia Tech Giving Day Overall Challenge - Dollars Raised
Your gifts on Georgia Tech Giving Day can help participating groups earn additional challenge prizes. Check back here throughout the event to see which participating groups will come out on top! The top 5 with the most dollars raised will earn: $2,500 (1st place), $2,000 (2nd place), $1,500 (3rd place), $1,000 (4th place), and $500 (5th place). Gifts must be made online between March 5 at 12 p.m. EDT and March 13 at 9 p.m. EDT.
Rank Prize Area Raised
1 $2,500 Roll Call $133,539.24
2 $2,000 College of Engineering $79,950.64
3 $1,500 College of Computing $61,517.00
4 $1,000 Athletics $42,344.00
5 $500 Scheller College of Business $26,304.04
Georgia Tech Giving Day Overall Challenge - Unique Donors
Your gifts on Georgia Tech Giving Day can help participating groups earn additional challenge prizes. Check back here throughout the event to see which participating groups will come out on top! The top 5 with the most unique donors will earn: $2,500 (1st place), $2,000 (2nd place), $1,500 (3rd place), $1,000 (4th place), and $500 (5th place). Gifts must be made online between March 5 at 12 p.m. EDT and March 13 at 9 p.m. EDT.
Rank Prize Area Donors
1 $2,500 Roll Call 489
2 $2,000 College of Engineering 313
3 $1,500 College of Computing 229
4 $1,000 Scheller College of Business 186
5 $500 Athletics 93
Georgia Tech Giving Day Overall Challenge - Most Gifts
Your gifts on Georgia Tech Giving Day can help participating groups earn additional challenge prizes. Check back here throughout the event to see which participating groups will come out on top! The top 5 with the most gifts will earn: $2,500 (1st place), $2,000 (2nd place), $1,500 (3rd place), $1,000 (4th place), and $500 (5th place). Gifts must be made online between March 5 at 12 p.m. EDT and March 13 at 9 p.m. EDT.
Rank Prize Area Gifts
1 $2,500 Roll Call 513
2 $2,000 College of Engineering 316
3 $1,500 College of Computing 234
4 $1,000 Scheller College of Business 200
5 $500 Library 116
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Or you can contact us at gtgives@alumni.gatech.edu.